I’m an extroverted introvert with a diverse background and strongly expressed individualism as well as a self-motivated professional dedicated to excellence.
It’s my belief words, language, and the written expression are the foundation of meaningful human existence; the evolution of language, separating us from the rest of the mammals and giving us our superiority, is the one undeniable proof of that.
My poetry collections, Lyrics of the Soul:A Warrior’s Journey and Lyrics of the Soul: Heartbeat, reflect my own values and character and emphasize my worldly views and perceptions.
The credit for my natural and overwhelming love for art, words, and the written expression goes to my genes and upbringing—I come from a family of educators, authors, artists, and pillars in the community, whose influence on me has been immense.
The deep passion I have for helping people and making a positive difference has led me in various directions throughout my life and has ensured my taking advantage of any available opportunity I’ve come across to practice, expand, polish, and master my skills in areas like communications, customer service and relations, data entry and research, leadership, supply chain and transportation logistics, conflict resolution, project organization and development, and many other platforms and venues. Ultimately, my forte is administrative work.
My education includes a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Child and Family Development from Georgia Southern University, a certificate from General Proofreading: Theory and Practice—a rigorous program teaching mastery in the art of proofreading—and successfully completed coursework in Copyediting Fiction through the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA). I’m also a licensed REALTOR® in the state of Tennessee.
I’ve held various diverse jobs and have had the pleasure of working with many people from all walks of life. Having lived in different places and having had many titles—preschool teacher, sales associate, general laborer, office clerk, administrative assistant, cutting craftsman, customer service representative, inside sales rep, rural mail carrier, etc.—has allowed me to grow, develop, and expand my perspective and has also solidified my ability to take a look at the world from many different points of view.
I also ran my own writing/editing/proofreading business, and while I found it began to take the pleasure out of my work—I prefer writing for myself and reading literature of my own choosing—it proved to be a tremendous aid in my continuous growth and development and in further strengthening my professional abilities and capabilities.
I firmly believe success is a state of mind and our only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves.
I also believe mistakes are necessary stepping-stones. We never stop growing, learning, and expanding our consciousness and mind.
Undoubtedly, life is a gift and its purpose—experience. Wasting it or not taking full advantage of it is a shame and a paramount loss.