~ Inspired by the spiritual world and everything to do with the senses ~


Amethyst is a beautiful stone with a royal and rich purple color. It assists in dispersing irritability, anger, fear, and anxiety. It’s associated with the Third Eye (Brow) Chakra and the Crown Chakra, and it stimulates awareness, brings clarity, and enhances the intuition. It also boosts the immune system, helps cleanse the organs, and strengthens hormone production.

Aquamarine is directly associated with the Throat Chakra. It helps with clear and effective communication and has soothing and calming properties. It’s a stone of courage and protection, and it reduces stress and helps with clarity, balance, and awareness.

Together, amethyst and aquamarine make an extremely eye-pleasing combination great for attracting physical and spiritual health, love, and positive energy. The stones’ healing, soothing, and tranquil effects are amplified and maximized due to the presence of silver. The combination also boosts creativity, healthy relationships, and communication.


The silver beautifully enhances the stones’ look and retains and amplifies their properties. It’s associated with the Moon and with feminine energy, kindness, and purity. Generally, silver promotes a healthy immune system and has healing properties. It’s also often associated with strength, grace, clarity, and wisdom. It has calming effects and aids communication, speech, and eloquence.