While I have my own unique character traits, like many others, I have an inquiring mind. Today I have a few questions. *** Do you ever wonder what your role is in the grand scheme of things?Do…
Symbolism is a part of our daily life. Logos, emojis, our clothes, jewelry, favorite colors, pets, homes, and so on, are all symbols. They represent who we are, our moods, and our values. They can…
Point of view (POV) is the voice in which a story is narrated. If you are an avid reader, you most likely have a preference, and if you’re a writer or an author, you probably…
Many find the apostrophe to be tricky. For me, it’s among my favorite punctuation characters. The correct use of the apostrophe is important if you want your text to make a good impression. Sometimes, a…
This article shines some light on the editorial process and explains the editing stages. While it is written with new and up-and-coming authors and content writers in mind, established authors and writers may also find…
Updated: February 11, 2025Hello, fellow seekers of knowledge, dreamers, artists, lovers, readers, writers, warriors of peace, enthusiasts of the extraordinary, and humans in general! Self-discovery! Popular term, right?You always hear about public figures and celebrities discovering…