The Path to Self-Realization

· Uncovering the Mystery ·

Aug, 27, 2020

Updated: February 13, 2024

Hello, fellow seekers of knowledge, dreamers, artists, lovers, readers, writers, warriors of peace, enthusiasts of the extraordinary, and humans in general! 

Self-discovery! Popular term, right?

You always hear about public figures and celebrities discovering or rediscovering themselves. But what about you?

The truth is, we are generally expected to know who we are and pick a direction to follow very early in life, but since self-discovery is an ongoing process that goes hand in hand with experience, this can be a very challenging and confusing task.

An absolute mystery!

Personally, I’ve always considered myself a turtle and a late bloomer.

This is my first blog entry (originally created on August 27, 2020), and in this article, I want to introduce myself and give you a little background with the hopes it inspires you—no matter who you are and what you’re interested in—and lets you know it’s never too late to begin doing what you love. Whether you are twenty-five, forty-five, or sixty-five, you can always start over.

I am a literature lover, a word and grammar nerd, a writer, a self-published poet, an artist, and a freethinking individual who is passionate about helping others and making a positive impact.

My professional life has definitely been a diverse one. I’ve tried many different things and worked in various fields.

Starting out, I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted out of life. I could have pursued, for example, linguistics, philology, literature, jewelry design and repair, or something along those lines.

But I didn’t.  

Honestly, none of those subjects even crossed my mind.

At eighteen, who really knows anything about living, what it’s about, or what they want out of it? At that age, not very many of us do.

I didn’t.

Yet, we are all expected to go to college right away, pick a major, decide what we want to do with the rest of our lives, and stick to it.


There are exceptions, of course, but the majority of us have no idea what is going on when we are eighteen or even when we are well into our twenties.

I think most of you can agree.

The road to self-discovery gets even more complicated and mysterious when you are a diverse individual with numerous interests, like I am. I think that when we are in our twenties, most of us are just overwhelmed with the many shades of life and with discovering the real world.

Very few of us are financially stable or headed in the direction of becoming financially stable.

Most of us don’t even really know where we are headed during those years.

Funny enough, when we begin to mature and gather experience—when we start becoming solid adults—we understand we’ve known who we are the whole time, and things start making sense little by little.

That’s when we begin solving the mystery of self-discovery.

Growing up, I loved reading, writing, and art. I was always in art competitions and, with the risk of tooting my own horn here, even won some of them. I also read and wrote a lot.

Later on, when I started attending college, my English professor constantly encouraged me to pursue writing and recommended I consider taking advanced English courses.

During that time, however, I was too caught up in being a young adult and in exploring my numerous interests.

Yes, I was always making bead necklaces and bracelets, writing, or reading, but trying to turn these things into a profession never even came to mind at the time.

To top to off, I worked at a jewelry store with on-site bench jewelers. I loved my job, but pursuing my inclination for jewelry design and repair further never crossed my mind.

Go figure!

I really had no idea what I wanted to have a career in.

After leaving my major as undecided for the first two years of college, I began constantly changing it and taking classes in different fields of interest.

I started with phycology and then moved to art, 3-D art, art history, interior design, and early childhood education.

It took me a total of six years to graduate, and I finished with a bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Development.

There were also some sociology, and anthropology classes involved in the process.

After I graduated and completed my internship at the Georgia Southern University Child Development Center, I taught preschool for a couple of years.

Then I moved on to other things and started taking different jobs in areas like communications, project building, labor and workload organization, time management, and customer service and relations, which actually built up my skills and gave me the knowledge and tools to be able to start a business of my own.

Meanwhile, I self-published two books of poetic expression—Lyrics of the Soul: A Warrior’s Journey and Lyrics of the Soul: Heartbeat.

Eventually, I stumbled on a proofreading course, and because I’m a writer before anything else, it led me to think about writing for others as well.

I started out by offering writing and editing services (check out my tips and resources if you’re interested in the process or a wordsmith yourself) and later on opened an Etsy shop for my handmade jewelry. 

I kept my business open for three years (2020–2023), and while I’m not in it any longer—I honestly found writing for others and reading literature I wasn’t necessarily into easily got boring and even annoying for me—it greatly expanded my professional skills and abilities. I even built this website all on my own back in 2020 (something I never thought I could do), which is an accomplishment I am very proud of.

Today, my path and everything I have ever done make complete sense, and my attitude and general mood are quite positive.

My life feels natural, genuine, and meaningful.

I’m currently exploring new ventures and possibilities, and while I have not yet landed my “dream career” (I’ll be sure to let you know when I do), I’ve truly come to appreciate who I am and my experiences, and I have a bright point of view.

There’s a certain sense of satisfaction present in my days.




My current world is a place where I feel I belong, but I am older, wiser, and have a much better understanding of life, which is what makes all the difference.

My message, in short, is as follows:

There is a reason for everything. You don’t have to have all the answers right away. It’s great if you do, but it’s ok if you don’t. Whatever it is that you love doing is waiting for you. Knowing what it is and how to go about doing it will be revealed to you if you keep your eyes, ears, and heart open.

Never settle. Never stop looking for what’s right for you.

It’s extremely likely you’ll end up surprised to see it’s been literally under your nose the whole time. It may take a while, but everything will fall into place at some point, and you’ll find what you seek.

When you do, don’t think twice!

To Your Success!

September 22, 2020


1 Comment

  1. Veselina Robinson

    August 28, 2020

    👍 right on the nose on this one for sure. I didn’t know what I wanted to focus on at 18 but somehow who we are is always underneath it all! 💖💖💖

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